This is my baby lo,Nicole Sii,she is one year old,she knows how to say Papa,Ball,Book,Bird and Dog.She is a very happy go lucky baby,also strong when she received her injections.
Today's mood not so good,my baby so pity,she fell down again,all because of her Grandmother,hai....yesterday her Grandmother was so busy till left my baby alone in the living room with her broken toy,she,I am not sure whether she did swallow the small part or not,I just found got half piece in her mouth,so took it out,but the other half is gone.I dont know lo,why they always like that,for example,today is her off day ma,she went to pasar this morning,her eldest son brought they two old folks to pasar lo,last time was me only,guess what? Last time she likes to 'mengampu' atau 'bodek' me if she needs me to drive the car to bring her to somewhere else,she will automatically help me wash my clothes before I wake up,then after I brought her to pasar,she pretend to treat me eat breakfast,I always dont want to eat,coz I had drinked Milo at home before went out,but she forced me to eat wor...odd or not?Then the next day,she changed back to normal pu boh style again,saying you cant do this and that lo.Today,she asked her eldest son to bring her,so yesterday,she purposely baked a raisins cake for him till like she is going to bake the cake for competition like that.And when everytime she bakes cake or pau,or made the chinese dumplings,she forces me to eat,I already told her I cant eat things made from flour like noodles,pau,cakes and rices too,but she keep on asking me to eat,really want to explode....I just cant sit properly the day she baked something coz she must see me eat her food.Maybe she likes me to say,Nice,this is tasty,etc...but the truth is not so tasty only eh chiak nia.I ever cooked for my father in law to eat once,she so busy body,complained my cooking instead my father in law likes to eat and he gave me compliment so more...After that time,I never cook for her again.If she wants me to cook or taste my cooking,no way,ask her to wait long long,till next life or maybe never!!!I also seldom eat her cooking anymore since then,no flavour one,even my Hubby also agree,coz his mom is so stingy in adding flavour.